About Jonathan
I’m Jonathan, 40-something husband, father of two, garage owner and amateur cyclist!
On 13th May 2022 at 10am I’ll be setting off from Timperley Hockey Club in Altrincham and cycling all the way to Aguilas in Murcia, Southern Spain. I’ll be cycling around 80 miles a day for 20 consecutive days to ride just shy of 1600 miles in total and climbing 17240 metres in the process – that’s a whisker short of twice the height of Mount Everest! It’s going to be tough!
I’m raising money for Myeloma UK in memory of my lovely mum, Lee, who died on 5th October 2020. She had been diagnosed with Myeloma in December 2018. Myeloma – also known as Multiple Myeloma as it affects multiple parts of the body – is a blood cancer and accounts for 15 percent of all blood cancers and 2 percent of all cancers.
Myeloma is currently incurable. Treatments can be effective at controlling the disease but as I know from Mum’s experience, they don’t work for all patients. My hope is to raise much needed funds to find kinder, less intrusive treatments and ultimately to find a cure.
I’ll be supported by various family members and friends, from driving a support vehicle carrying medical supplies and spare parts, to running social media accounts and websites, with some brave souls accompanying me on various legs of the journey!

You can follow my training progress on Instagram @altrinchamtoaguilas and Facebook www.facebook.com/altrinchamtoaguilas and of course, on here.
You can donate to support me and raise much needed funds for myeloma UK via my Just Giving page www.justgiving.com/altrinchamtoaguilas or via the QR code on the fundraising section of this site. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. There are many long, cold and wet nights, mornings and weekends ahead of me – and that’s just the training! – and knowing we’re raising money in memory of my Mum will spur me on!
Training is going well so far, despite my dodgy knee which has suffered cruciate ligament problems for several years and has been operated on twice. That said, 20 consecutive days of long rides is a daunting prospect!
Thank you for reading, following my progress and helping to raise money for Myeloma UK. If you see me on the roads of the North West in my orange Myeloma jersey, give me a toot!!
Jonathan X